Do It Yourself SEO :: Not without risks so take care if you are doing it yourself
Don’t try this at home!
This page is dedicated to those of our past and present customers (you will know if your misdemeanor is mentioned here) who either felt they “could do it just as well themselves” or didn’t think to keep us informed of a change in their business.
There’s nothing more frustrating for us than to be asked to work on a website, do the work and start watching the changes start producing results for our customer, only to discover the customer has changed something about their website or their business that undermines our efforts or that we can’t keep up with. Here are few examples of what we mean …
New Product or Service added
To achieve any level of ranking for a new website, a new page or a new set of relevant keywords takes time. The amount of time depends on a range of criteria. No matter how good you may think we are, we cannot make it happen overnight. So please don’t wait until just before you need the traffic to tell us about your new circumstances. It is much better to tell us when you start planning the product so a reasonable timetable can be established for the modifications needed to support the business changes. A campaign of sponsored links (AdWords or any other PPC strategy) may be a good short-term solution, but even this will need to be in place prior to launch date.
Do it yourself
It is your website and you can make any changes you want, but please remember you’ve paid us for our expertise. Changes to the website made by someone without SEO knowledge can seriously undermine the work already performed and risk the on-going success of the whole site. Remember, just because a web developer can build a website, it doesn’t mean he / she can optimise it. For us to re-apply our changes will cost more than you saved.
Agree to exchange links with anyone who asks
Links are important, and as you will read elsewhere on this website, adding links can improve the chance of success for your website. But if you provide a link to a questionable site it can reflect poorly on your site and jeopardise it’s effectiveness in the search engines. Just to make matters worse, there is no “quick fix” for this situation once it impacts.
So before you do anything to your website or your business that needs to be supported by the website, please talk to us well in advance, so we can help you plan and implement the necessary changes.
As usual, if you have any questions on the issues raised on this or any of our pages or if you have any general SEO questions, please contact us and we’ll try to help.