Jumping in the deep end of the Social Media pool

2011-04-12 0 By midboh admin

Jumping in the deep end of the Social Media pool

In reality it’s probably closer to paddling in the kiddies pool, but at least it’s a start.

For the last few weeks, I have been posting to Tumblr (http://midboh.tumblr.com/) with a few thoughts. So far this has been a learning experience with the advantage of building up a small amount of material. (There’s nothing worse than discovering a site with one sad and lonely post.)

My intention is to post weekly but please don’t hold it against me if I don’t always make my quota. The topics covered will be broader than those covered here though still largely about websites, their marketing, and their trials and tribulations. There is capacity for visitors to submit questions through the site and any interesting ones (questions) may make their way into future articles. And for the record I’m not interested in cheap chemicals from overseas, helping clear funds for an offshore relative or having a quote for SEO services. If they were the sorts of questions you were considering don’t waste your time.

As an added bonus, there are facilities at Tumblr to connect to Twitter and tweet details of a new post to my Twitter account (http://twitter.com/midboh). Of course I am making use of these facilities.

This action may prompt some questions like “why not Facebook?” or any other Social Media application. There are probably a few reasons. Personally I’m not drawn to Facebook – shock! horror! I may be in the minority but I don’t get it yet. I’m having a small dabble but it isn’t an easy fit for me. I’m not producing images or videos so that probably eliminates many of the other big names. As for the others, and there are plenty, maybe I’ll get to them later. For now I would like to concentrate on one thing and see if I can manage the load.

Of course I’m concerned about inspiration to keep the process going. I like to focus on positive situations or at least how to find a positive in a negative situation. Hopefully some feedback from any readers (other than my mother) will add to the inspiration. I feel I am obliged to take this action as it would seem hypocritical to encourage customers into this strategy and if I am not brave enough to follow it myself.

Wish me luck.

[Update: 20 May 2011
The external blog is still running at Tumblr but thanks to a little DNS wizardry, the material is available at http://blog.midboh.com.au/. The marketing gurus seem to think this makes for a more consistent branding. Who am I to disagree.]

[Update: 25 July 2011
Finally a toe hold at Facebook http://www.facebook.com/MidBoh.Web.Services. Nothing fancy but it’s a start. Largely, it takes a feed from the Tumblr blogging, but there will be the occasional “gem” that doesn’t go via Tumblr.]